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"This is one of the most beautiful films that I have ever seen"
Ida: Anna, a young novitiate nun in 1960s Poland, is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a dark family secret dating back to the years of the Nazi occupation.
This is one of the most beautiful films that I have ever seen, mostly due to how the characters are positioned in the frame. I have always been told not to have so much air in the fram whenever I am behind the camera filming something, but when I saw Ida I was relieved that Pawlikowski did break that rule. The black and white helped the story and the slow pace fitted this movie really well. I am not surprised that Ida won the Academy Award for best foreign film, because it really deserved it.
Wild 2014
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"This movie seriously made me want to go on a long hake and walk through beautiful places."
Wild: A Chronicle of one woman's 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent catastrophe.
This movie seriously made me want to go on a long hike and walk through beautiful places. The editing really helped create an emotional story and Reese Witherspoon played her part really well and she was worthy of her academy award nomination. Everytime Cheryl was hiking out in the wild it made me feel free and good inside. I could relate with Ceryl on different things and that drew me into the film. My favorite line in the entire film was the very last one before the end credits came.
Deux jours, uns nuit (2 days, 1 night)
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"The ending was not what I expected"
Deux jours, une nuit: Sandra, a young Belgian mother, discovers that her workmates have opted for a significant pay bonus, in exchange for her dismissal. She has only one weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses so that she can keep her job.
I found this movie boring, even though Sandra (Marion Cotillard) was dealing with a tough situation, I never found the movie to be stressful or to feel her stress. Maybe it was due to the editing and the pace of the movie which was to slow and soft for me to really engage in her battle. The ending was not what I expected, but still not enough to make up for the whole film.
Hi everyone!
"The dialogue, camerawork and cinematography is really amazing in Birdman."
Birdman: A washed-up actor, who once played an iconic superhero, battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career and himself in the days leading up to the OPENING of his Broadway play.
The dialogue, camerawork and cinematography is really amazing in Birdman. The camera was following around the characters like if it was a documentary, but it was not and that created a flow throughout the film that fitted the movie perfectly. The perfomances from the actors were great and it all led up to a crusial point in the film that I had expected but it could not go any other way because it would have weakened the script.

The boy who smells like fish
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''The story was rather simple but filmed in a brilliant way''
The Boy who smells like fish: At first glance, Mica seems a perfectly normal boy. But first glances can often be deceiving... For one, Mica's house is now a museum honouring Guillermo Garibai, the legendary Mexican crooner. Mica spends most of his time there, giving guided tours to aging Garibai fans. But stranger still, Mica smells. He smells like fish. Numerous doctors, his life-long therapist and even his own parents are at a loss. No one wants to be Mica's friend. Girls won't talk to him. His life appears pointless, uneventful, doomed. That is, until Laura walks into it.
I already knew that this movie was going to be something different based on the title and it was. The story was rather simple but filmed in a brilliant way and I did not want it to end. What I liked about it most was that I could identify myself with the characters and the loneliness and awkwardness that they were going through. I really got into Mica and Laura's friendship and this movie made me both feel happy and sad, go watch this now.
Don Jon
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''Everyone's performences was good, but in terms of films about love, I prefer 500 days of Summer''
Don Jon: A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love.
I enjoyed the movie and the characters kept pushing it forward, but I felt that it was a little too short, but I really liked the way it ended. Everyone's performences was good, but in terms of films about love, I prefer 500 days of summer, because this one was filled with humour, which was fine, but it did not really got me as deep as it could. I think that Gordon-Levitt was trying make a point and that is that people can become so full of themself and selfabsorbed that they can not have close relationship with others and they do not know how to interact with other people, they interact better with a screen infront of them. It was a good directing debut from Gordon-Levitt and I am already looking forward to his next film.
Short term 12
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''My favorite scene was the scene where Jayden is telling her story''
Short term 12: A 20-something supervising staff member of a residential treatment facility navigates the troubled waters of that world alongside her co-worker and longtime boyfriend.
This movie is simple, but filled with emotions and thoughts and it spoke to me and made me think about things in a serious way. My favorite scene was the scene where Jayden is telling her story about the octopus and the shark. I enjoyed the character of Grace and I was invested in her story and what she was going through, helping young kids is a very important matter and this movie shined some light on how hard it can be and that one little word or an action can change someone's life for the better. I urge you all to go watch this movie and you can get your copy of it at njutafilms.
Hi everyone!♥
''It is mainly Gyllenhaal's performence and the great story that made the movie so brilliant''
Nightcrawler: When Lou Bloom, a driven man desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.
Jake Gyllenhaal played the maincharacter perfectly and he made the character really interesting to follow. I was fascinated by all the events that occurred in the movie and how Gyllenhaals character dealt with them. This movie reminded me of Drive, with it being filmed in the streets at night in Los Angeles. It is mainly Gyllenhaal's performence and the great story that made the movie so brilliant and it drew me in right away. I reccomend you to see this movie as soon as possible.
Miss Violence
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''Things only get worse and I like movies that are not feel-good types of movies''
Miss Violence: On her birthday, 11-year-old Angeliki jumps off the balcony to her death with a smile on her face. An investigation is started as to the reason for this apparent suicide, but the family keeps insisting that it was an accident.
The beggining of the film shows exactly how the rest of the movie will play out and in what tone, and it is in a very dark one. Things only get worse and I like movies that are not feel-good types of movies and this one certainly is not. I was surprise at the ending and what was really going on in the family and I will surely never forget this film, it reminds me of Dogtooth, which was also a pretty dark film and I hope I get to see more films like this coming from Greece. You can get a great dvd of Miss Violence at njutafilms.
The Two faces of January ( Stockholm's filmfestival)
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''It was very nice that the filmmakers changed the weather depending on how the characters were feeling''
The two faces of January: A thriller centered on a con artist, his wife, and a stranger who flee Athens after one of them is caught up in the death of a private detective.
The story was good and solid throughout the movie and there were some unexpected turns that kept me interested and that made the story even better. The colours, lightning and clothes were beautiful and the acting was very good, I really liked Kirsten Dunst in this one, it had been a while since I saw her in something really good. It was very nice that the filmmakers changed the weather depending on how the characters were feeling, the more miserable they got, the darker and rainier it got. I hope that you will watch this movie at Stockholm's filmfestival.
Obietnica (The Word)
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''The story was good, but there were many questions left unanswered''
Obietnica (The Word): Lila and Janek are a couple struggling with their relationship because Lila saw Janek kissing another girl. Janek is willing to do anything to get Lila to forgive him and she has something in her mind, but will Janek go through with it?
A Polish movie with a strong message about how obsession and love can lead you to do stupid things. The story was good, but there were many questions left unanswered that I wished were explained a bit more and I felt something missing when the end credits started rolling. Love will make you do crazy things and this movie shows it and I wish that Lila's character and thought were presented more, because I wanted to get to know her even more and to know what was going on inside her head throughout everything.
Suits S01E01
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Suits: On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
I just saw the first episode of the series Suits, which Natalia recommended me to see. It was interesting and the dialogue was good. I am not sold yet, but maybe I will be after a few more episodes, because the first episode was good and had some interesting characters and situations that could create more drama and cases for the lawyers.
Hi everyone!♥
''The story kept me interested and took some unexpected turns''
Malavita: The Manzoni family, a notorious mafia clan, is relocated to Normandy, France under the witness protection program, where fitting in soon becomes challenging as their old habits die hard
The story kept me interested and took some unexpected turns that worked out really well and it fitted great with the dark humour that this movie provided.I did like that this movie was funny sometimes and not serious all the way through, because it would not have worked, it could have been ever more dark humour to really make the film stand out, but the performances of the maincast was really good.
The Immigrant 2013
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''The cinematography in this movie is beautiful and fits the movie perfectly''
The Immigrant: On the mean streets of Manhattan, Ewa falls prey to Bruno, a charming but wicked man who takes her in and forces her into prostitution.
I had actually no idea what this movie was about, apart from the title, so I did not know how sad it would be. It was really cool to hear Marion Cotillard speak polish and she did it pretty good too. The cinematography in this movie is beautiful and fits the movie perfectly, it enhances the time period that it is supposed to be. The story was good and sad. Marion Cotillard was great. It was a bit slow at times, but this definitely deservers a strong three out of five, maybe I will give it a four if I will watch it again.
Hi everyone!♥
''The relationship between Ted and the operative system felt real ''
Her: Ted works with writing touching and personal letters, but he himself suffers from a broken heart after ending a marriage. He soon discovers a new relationship in his operative system which proves to be both intelligent and conscious.
I really liked the story, it was original and different and the cinematography complemented the story perfectly. The film was pretty depressing and was filled with emotions and made me feel a lot. The relationship between Ted and the operative system felt real even though the system did not have a body. Joaquin Pheonix played the role of Ted really well and the film was beautiful and funny sometimes, especiella the ''Strangled Cat'' part. I also liked that you can interpret the ending how you want, it gives you options.
Witness for the prosecution
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''Första halvan av filmen känns lite tråkig, men andra halvan är riktigt bra och väger upp för första delen.''
Witness for the prosecution: Leonard Vole anklagas och häktas för mord på den förmögna Mrs French. Advokaten Sir Wilfrid Robarts tar sig an fallet. Voles enda alibi är hans fru, men till allas förvåning blir hon inte försvarets vittne utan åklagarens. Efter en pjäs av Agatha Christie.
Jag trodde att det här skulle vara en ganska typisk rättegångsfilm, men det var den inte. Marlene Dietrich spelar riktigt bra och historien är inte som jag förväntade mig. Filmen är lång vilket gör att det finns mycket utrymme för rättegångsscenerna och för att fördjupa karaktärerna och det är just det som får filmen att fungera bra. Första halvan av filmen känns lite tråkig, men andra halvan är riktigt bra och väger upp för första delen.
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''Prisoners är ganska lång, men den känns aldrig långtråkig, utan den har ett bra tempo som står sig igenom hela filmen.''
Prisoners: Keller Dovers sexåriga dotter och hennes bästa vän kidnappas på Thanksgiving. När detektiven Lokis utredning stannar upp bestämmer sig Keller för att ta saken i egna händer.
Det jag gillade mest med Prisoners var manuset, som var riktigt bra skrivet. Filmen hade ett bra flyt och det hände hela tiden någonting som höll mitt intresse uppe. Väldigt bra skådespelarinsatser och jag är inte alls besviken på slutet. Det fanns några frågor jag hade efter filmen, men dom var inte tillräckligt störande för att göra filmen dålig. Filmen är spännande och jag frågade mig hela tiden är det han, eller är det inte han? Prisoners är ganska lång, men den känns aldrig långtråkig, utan den har ett bra tempo som står sig igenom hela filmen.
Hamlet 1948
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''Jag gillade alla inre monologer som pågår i karaktärernas huvud och deras rekationer och minspel medan dessa monologer pågår.''
Hamlet: Laurence Oliviers tolkning av Shakespeares Hamlet, som många anser är måttstocken andra tolkningar mäts efter. Hamlet, prins av Danmark, ruminerar över hur han skall kunna hämnas mordet på sin far. Fångad i en märklig handlingsförlamning fylld av existentiella frågeställningar är det tillslut andra faktorer än Hamlets eget agerande som leder till dramats oundvikliga upplösning.
Jag tycker att Hamlet är den bästa pjäsen av William Shakespear och jag tycker att denna filmen framställde pjäsen på ett riktigt bra sätt. Sir Olivier Lawrence imponerade i rollen som Hamlet, men den som imponerade mest var som spelade Ofelia, helt otroligt bra på att få fram rätt känslor. Jag gillade alla inre monologer som pågår i karaktärernas huvud och deras rekationer och minspel medan dessa monologer pågår. Det fanns väldigt fint kameraarbete i filmen, speciellt i scenen då Hamlet frågar sin mor om hon ser det han ser och kameran jobbar runt dom på ett väldigt fint sätt.
Stuart: A life backwards
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''Tom Hardy spelar fantastiskt, detta är hans bästa roll enligt mig.''
Stuart a life backwards: Författaren Alexander Masters beslutar sig för att närsyna sin omaka vän Stuarts liv, en hemlös man med alkoholism och barndomstrauma. För att göra det mer spännande råder Stuart Alexander att berätta allt bakifrån vilket ger historien en tragikomisk touch.
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''Jag gillade den lite obehagliga och nedstämda känslan som fanns igenom hela filmen''
Shame: New York-bon Brandon är en stilig kontorsslav i trettioårsåldern som är beroende av sex. Han förför utan större ansträngning nya kvinnor dagligen och konsumerar enorma mängder porr; såväl hemma som under arbetstid. En dag överraskas han när yngre systern Sissy dyker upp i hans lägenhet då hon inte har någonstans att bo. Systerns närvaro ställer hans liv på ända och vi förstår att syskonen bär på tragiska barndomsminnen som grundat deras självdestruktiva beteende.
Michael Fassbender och Carey Mulligan gör riktigt bra insatser båda två. Shame är en väldigt gripande film som visar konsekvenser för ens handlingar på ett sätt som känns i magen. Riktigt bra berättade och snyggt foto, denna filmen är riktigt nära en femma och vid en omtitt kan den få det. Carey Mulligan och Michael Fassbender har börjt blivit två av mina favoriter och det är härligt att se filmer med dom.
Jag gillade den lite obehagliga och nedstämda känslan som fanns igenom hela filmen och är man på rätt humör när man ser filmen är jag säker på att den gör intryck. Det fanns många starka scener, speciellt en speciell scen nära slutet av filmen.