Hayride 2
Hi everyone!♥
"Hayride 2 feels almost like Halloween 2 it begins right where the first one ended"
Hayride 2: The end of one journey only marks the beginning of another as Detective Loomis returns to uncover the truth behind the Legend of Pitchfork.
Hayride 2 feels almost like Halloween 2 it begins right where the first one ended, with the victims going to the hospital and the killer going to the hospital and finds them there, after second thought it sounds EXACTLY like Halloween 2, but not as good. The first one was a bit better, but this one had a bit better cinematography. The gore
was okay, not too many creative deathscenes, but I am guessing they were working with a low budget and getting lots of gore is really expensive, but there are ways to work around that. The ending was expected and I still can not decide if Pitchfork is a character I want to continue following or not, he feels like an oversized Jason Voorhees, but not as interesting, he even has that bag over his head with holes for the eyes and many people will feel like it is a Friday the 13th part 2 rip-off.

Hi everyone!♥
"The use of the pitchfork was a nice touch, but this one does not stand out amongst the other slasher films"
Hayride: A college student returning home for Halloween is forced to face his childhood fears when an escaped killer takes refuge in his family's "Haunted Hayride".
I have now watched Hayride and Hayride 2, two slasherfilmes and I am sure that this will be a beginning of a slasherseries like Friday the 13th, but not as good. Hayride evolves around the story of Pitchfork, a killer on a killingspree searching for his daughter who ran away with her boyfriend or so the legend is told. The flashbacks could have been done better, but I must admit that I did not see the ending coming, I was sure of one thing and then it changed completely. The use of the pitchfork was a nice touch, but this one does not stand out amongst the other slasher films and is not as good as those from the 80's, but Hayride is worth a watch and I would not mind if several more Hayride movies
were made because I am sure that Pitchforks story could evolve and be more interesting.

Friday the 13th
Hi everyone!♥
Happy friday the 13th!
Friday the 13th movies will always have a special
place in my heart. I grew up watching them every summer and I really like them and Jason Voorhees is brilliant, even though it was Mrs. Voorhees who did the killing in the first one. So let's do a list of the five best movies from the Friday the 13th series.

1. Friday the 13th (1980)
2. Friday the 13th part 4
3. Jason X
4. Friday the 13th part 8
5. Friday the 13th part 2
I do like the other ones aswell, the only one I have a problem
with is Friday th 13th 5 and if you have seen the movie, you wil understand why, it is almost the same problem that I have with Halloween 3. How would your list be if you had to choose?

Hi everyone!♥
''The scenes where the whole house, literally, is filled with worms are the best scenes''
Squirm: At the beginning of the film, we learn from one of the characters that earthworms can be called to the surface with electricity, but somehow it turns them into vicious flesh-eaters. Sure enough, a storm that night causes some power lines to break and touch the ground, drawing millions of man-eating worms out of the earth, and into town where they quickly start munching on the locals.
This was better then I had expected it to be, the worms looked great and I was impressed with the effects they used for the gore scenes in Squirm. The scenes where the whole house, literally, is filled with worms are the best scenes and the film never got boring. I wished that they had filled the movie with a few more gorescenes and maybe even a few more characters, but this one i certainly worth a watch if you like ecohorror.
Krampus, the Christmas evil
Hi everyone!♥
''They have a cool story about Krampus and then they go and shit on it completely''
Krampus, the Christmas evil: Jeremy, a local police officer leads a life of a confusing past, spending his current time searching for his kidnapper as a child. After other children begin missing, Jeremy pieces together the truth and realizes that his childhood kidnapper could be a creature of ancient yuletide lore, Krampus, who is the brother of St. Nick, and punisher of children who perform acts of unspeakable evil without repercussion. Can Jeremy kill Krampus and prevent more missing children?
This is probably one of the worst movies that I have every seen. They have a cool story about Krampus and then they go and shit on it completely with bad storytelling, bad actors, bad effects and bad cinematography. I appreciate films that have no budget and use what they can to make a movie, but sometimes it goes horribly wrong and this is one of those times.
Deadly eyes
Hi everyone!♥
''The rats were huge and there were some great gorescenes''
Deadly eyes: A city is overrun with oversized rats and now the people has got to find a way to stop them before they destory everything in their path, will they succed?
I was excited to see this movie and it did not let me down. The rats were huge and there were some great gorescenes when the rats ran loose and created chaos. I found this movie cozy and I like these types of movies, the story was not the best, but it was simple enough to work without being complicated, not every horrormovie needs to have a twist to be good. If you like horrormovies where animals prey upon people I recommend you to watch this.
Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Godfather of gore
Hi everyone!♥
''This documentary brings up alot of interesting things and Mr Lewis is certainly a special character to watch. ''
Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Godfather of gore: Gory, Gory, Hallelujah! Take an outrageous ride through the wild world of exploitation films with this often-hilarious documentary, HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS, THE GODFATHER OF GORE!
Weather or not you like his movies, he is still the Godfather of gore and that alone makes this documentary worth a watch. Mr Lewis brings up how he started in the filmindustry and talks about his movies and this documentary shows many of his infamous gorescenes and they talk about what it was like to work with the gore products. I like some of his work, with my favorite being Two Thousand Maniacs, such a simple but effective movie. I would love to get a hold of a collection of his movies soon. This documentary brings up alot of interesting things and Mr Lewis is certainly a special character to watch.
Gun Woman 2014
Hi everyone!♥
''The best scene is when a naked woman fights a large man''
The Gunwoman: A brilliant doctor on a quest for revenge buys a young woman and trains her to be the ultimate assassin, implanting gun parts in her body that she must later assemble and use to kill her target before she bleeds to death.
I liked that the story was a bit different and when I read what the movie was about I knew that I had to see it. The best scene is when a naked woman fights a large man and uses some MMA moves and the movies is really over the top, but it kept me interested. Some shots could have been made better and the lighting could have been improved on more and the ending was not the greatest, but this movie is still worth a watch and you can get your copy from njutafilms.
Faust 2.0
Hi everyone!♥
''It is fun though to see a horrormovie takle the subject of our addiction to technology''
Faust 2.0: Softwares and apps are daily INSTALLED based on agreements we scroll past and accept. But what exactly do we accept? In Faust 2.0 we meet five individuals who unknowingly enters into a pact with unknown forces and whose lives are brought to a brutal turn when they use the mystical applications to achieve what they want - but instead get what they deserve. As the applications spread the pieces fall into place and a digital pandemic takes shape.
It was fun to see a Swedish speaking horrorfilm at the festival. Faust 2.0 consists of five short stories and usually some are better than others in these kind of movies. I really liked the fourth, third and the second story. The fourth one was really funny and different. The fifth and first one did not interest me as much as the others and that is why I am giving Fuast 2.0 a three out of five. It is fun though to see a horrormovie takle the subject of our addiction to technology and the consequenses that can cause. There were some nice gore effects in these stories, so I liked that. Faust 2.0 will be in theaters today, so I hope that you will go to a cinema to check it out, have a few laughs and watch some horror stories with gore in them.
Lesson of the Evil
Hi everybody!♥
''I must admit that the last 40 minutes of this movie was really great''
Lesson of the Evil: Tetsuro is a teacher that really does not like that his students are cheating and bullying others at school, so he comes up with his own method to set the kids straight, but the method is not what you might expect.
It was so good to finally see another Takashi Miike movie, with my favorite being Ichi the killer. This movie was different from what I had expected, but different in a good way. I must admit that the last 40 minutes of this movie was really great, the violence and the music were perfect together and I liked how everything went overboard into crazyland. I liked the pace of the movie, that it started out kind of slow and then turned completely around, but I got lost sometimes, but that did not bother me too much.
Mischief Night
Hi everybody!♥
I found most of the movie boring and the pace could have been faster
Mischief Night: A blind woman is left alone in her house where she lives with her dad and thinks that it will be an ordinary weekend, but the night will be anything but ordinary when she is forced to deal with someone breaking into her house.
I like home invasion movies and it has really become a popular subgenre in horrorfilm. I found this movie interesting because the maincharacter is blind and I was excited to see how she would deal with that while someone was in her house, trying to kill her. I found most of the movie boring and the pace could have been faster and more intense, but there was one scene that I really liked and it involved a chainsaw. There is always something really unsettling about having someone uninvited in your house and that is a plot that you can work with in so many ways.