coming back
Hi everyone!
I am finally getting back to training because I have had a break because of my bad knee. It really needed to rest a bit and hopefully I will be able to train again and compete. I have had time to do other stuff öike reading an actual book, writing short stories, drawing, working etc.. but other changes are waiting around the corner!
Here is something fun for you guys, name the movies based on these pictures!
Love ahead part 2
Her eyes were piercing through my soul and I could not stop looking at her. The woman runs into her room again and I back away from the window. I walk over to the door to see if it is locked which it is, I then go to the bed and sit down on the floor beside the bed. My heart is beating really fast and I have no idea of what to do. Tom is dead and his tounge was so far out from his mouth it was almost like that woman had grabbed it and dragged it out as far as possible.
Suddenly I hear a bang on the door and my heart skips a beat and I find it hard to breathe. The banging continues and I am paralyzed. I stand up and go over to the window, but I can not seem to open it. What kind of hotel have windows that can not be opened? The baning suddenly stops and I turn around to face the door. I feel someone's eyes at the back of my neck and I open up my eyes in terror and I turn around to see the woman staring at me from behind the window.
She crashes through the window and puts one hand around my throath. She is chocking me and I can not get her hand of me, she is really strong. Her grip tightens and she takes out her other hand from behind her back and she is holding a syringe with a green liqiud and a knife. I can not make a sound and I have tears coming down my cheeks. She pushes the syringe into my throat and I can feel my tongue getting bigger and it is forcing its way out of my mouth and I can not do a thing about it.
My body goes limp, but I can still feel everything. She lets go of her hand and my body falls down on the ground with my tongue far out from my mouth, like a dog. She takes the knife and separates my head from my body. I am still looking at my body even though my head is severed. Why am I not dead? Or maybe I am dead and this is my punishment. She walks out of the room and everything is so silent. After a while she comes back, holding Toms head in her hands. His eyes are moving and we look at eachother. She puts his head right next to my head and we keep looking at eachother. She then spreads her legs and I was wondering, who is she going to choose?
The Grand Budapest hotel
Hi everybody!♥
''Willem Dafoe's role was superb!''
The Grand Budapest hotel: M Gustave is a well known concierge at the Grand Budapest hotel and he gets suspected of murder and must prove his innocense. He takes his lobby boy Zero with him on an adventure to find out what has really happened.
I was looking forward to Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest hotel and I finally saw it this weekend in the cinema. I really liked how the film was shot, the colors and the cameramovements were exciting and memorable. I liked how the story was told and that it went back in time. I enjoyed every second of the film and the characters were also memorable and it was fun to see so many well known faces, Willem Dafoe's role was superb! Really well written and acted. It was funny and I liked that it had a comedic feeling all the way through, it fitted the film really well.
Love ahead part 1
Where is he? I asked myself. Waiting for Tom to show up has become a habit and this was our last chance to save what we had. Tick, tick, tick, every second the clock drives me insane and this hotelroom feels so lonely and dark. I haven't even turned on any lamp and it is quite dark outside. Tom was the most handsome man I had ever laid my eyes upon, with his dark hair and mysterious scar on his left cheek that he had never told me anything about.
To have me waiting like this has made me furious and Irefuse being treated thisway. He is always late and sometimes he does not even show up and that has led to many arguments and fights, but our love has always seemed to conquer all of the obstacles, but now it has reached a boiling point and this night is our last chance.
I can not sit in this darkness anymore, I can not let it consume me anymore. I get up from my chair and walk over to the nightstand. I turn on the light and I feel a bit better. I walk over to the window to see if my beloved Tom is on his way, but the streets are empty and not one sound is heard. My eyes slowly work their way up to the balcony of the hotelroom across the street.
It looks like a woman is on the balcony, but she has her back turned to me and I can not see clearly. I try to look a bit closer and to focus my attention to her and I can see that she is completely naked. The curve of her back continues down her beautiful rear and it looks like she is holding something in her hands. Her long dark hair looks beautiful against her light skin and the moonlight makes her skin shine even more.
I can not take my eyes of that mysterious woman. She turns around and I can see her breasts and her lovely hard nipples and it turns out that I was right, she is holding something in her hands. My mind is baffled, she is holding a severed head in her hands and she is satisfying herself with it. I feel my penis getting erect and I look closely at the head. It has dark hair and a scar on the left cheek. I get terrified when I realise that she is holding Tom's head in her hands and I gasp for air. She drops the head and looks at me with eyes as dark as coal.
Find me on instagram
Hi everybody!♥
You can now find me on instagram just search for @placebohoe below are a few pics from my instagram.
Follow me and get your daily dose of horror and filmstuff filled!!!
My life right now
Hi everyone!♥
The month of January has been a good, but a bit stressfull, the stressfull part equals the schoolpart, I have had to do many essays the last week and I have hit some minor difficulty, but Everything will be solved. I have watched a lot of Movies, mostly with my boyfriend whom I have been spending a lot of time with. Tomorrow I will be working and on thursday I will be going to MMA-camp for a few Days, I will not be sleeping there since it will not be far away from where I live, so I will train for a few hours and then come home. I am looking forward to the camp and to what they have in store for us. This will be my first MMA-camp, so I am not sure what to expect, but I know that the training will be intense and a teammate from my club will also go to that camp, so it will be nice to have a person that I am friends with at the camp.
God Jul
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God Jul allihopa!
My readers
Hi everyone!♥
I am doing this in English and my question for all you is, who are my readers? I am curious to know who is reading my blog. You can state your name and where you come from in the commentsection.
Moviezine - bästa filmblogg
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Ni som gillar att läsa min blogg får gärna nominera den till bästa filmblogg, det kan ni gör
här. Tryck på länken och nominera min blogg, det skulle göra mig väldigt glad. Om inte för min skull, så gör det åtminstonde för Jasons skull.
24 år
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Idag fyller jag 24 år
Snygga posters
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Några snygga posters av en av mina favoritfilmer The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Grym lördag
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Träning, mys och UFC 165
Jag började min lördag med att träna Muay Thai på min klubb Nexus i ungefär en och en halv timma. Efter det var jag tvungen att fixa en del saker och stressa lite, för att sedan åka hem och förbereda mig inför kvällen. Jag ladade middag till mig och en till, det blev en väldigt god middag och sen tittade vi på UFC 165 tillsammans. Känslorna som kom fram under Jones vs Gustafsson var många och tårarna var nära, vilken jävla fantastisk match!!!!!
En del av middagen (hann inte ställa fram allting)
Idag har jag mest latat mig, för att sedan ta itu med några saker och slutligen se en film.
Min helg
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Min helg kan summeras upp av film och mma. Jag har tittat en del på filmen, testat lite med redigeringen av Man in the Forest och kollat på en del mmamatcher då det har varit väldigt många mmagalor i helgen. Imorgon ska jag till skolan för att titta på Possession och sen ska jag träna. Denna vecka är shootfightingvecka och jag hoppas att jag kommer få en match, men jag tror inte att jag får det. Min kompis på klubben kommer nog få match och jag ska hjälpa och stötta henne så gott jag kan. Nu ikväll ska jag och en speciell pojke titta på en av mina favoritfilmer Braindead.
We're the Miller's idag
Idag ska jag se We're the Miller's pa bio
Game of thrones S03
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Snart ska jag äntligen börja kolla på Game of thrones säsong 3.
Har ni sett tredje säsongen ännu?
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Ibland önskar man att man hade en sten istället för ett hjärta, livet hade varit enklare då.
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Jag har varit riktigt sjuk i influensa de senaste dagarna och har knappt orkat kolla på en datorskärm eller en tv. Jag har bara orkat göra korta uppdateringar på facebook. Jag är fortfarande sjuk och kommer nog vara det några dagar till.
Min tisdag
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Seminarie, semla och film!
Idag var jag fortfarande lite sjuk, men jag gick till skolan ändå för att vara med på seminariet om våran analys vi skrev. Jag skrev om Psycho och jag tycker att det gick ganska bra. Seminariet var på två timmar och efter det bestämde sig jag och fyra andra för att äta semlor och jag hittade den godaste semlan jag någonsin har ätit. Den var fylld med vaniljkräm och choklad i grädden, börjar dregla som Homer Simspon när jag tänker på den. Efter att jag kom hem har jag mest latat och vilat mig för att hoppas kunna bli helt frisk snart. Jag har även hunnit se Silver linings playbook och det är nog den ända filmen jag hinner se idag för jag känner mig trött och ska nog sova ganska snart.
Jag vill så gärna tillbaka till min klubb och träna snart. Detta är jag och Leo D'avila när han var och höll pass på våran klubb i några dagar.
Bilder inför mässan
Jag är utan min macdator i tre veckor och använder min mammas iPad och jag kan inte göra ordentliga inlägg så ni får stå ut med det ett tag. Jag är nästan klar med min outfit inför mässan idag.
Hoppas att vi ses på mässan idag!!!
Sally från Nightmare before christmas
Imorgon är det sci-fi mässa, jag kommer att klä ut mig till Sally från Nightmare before Christmas så om ni ser mig får ni gärna gå fram och hälsa och ta kort om ni vill, ni behöver inte vara rädda. Mamma har sytt min klänning och imorgon kommer jag få gå upp tidigt för att hinna fixa smink, hår osv för att hinna vara på mässan vid 10.