Hi everybody!♥
I felt really good watching this movie and I laughed so many times
Wetlands: Helen is not like any other girl and she is just trying to enjoy her life in her own special way, but she encounters some difficulties in her way and she is still hoping for her parents to get back together and tries to have her family whole again.
Yesterday I went to a preview of the German movie Wetlands. I had no idea what movie it was and I was pleasently suprised. The maincharacter played her role very good and convincinly and her character was one of the more interesting characters I have seen in a while. I felt really good watching this movie and I laughed so many times at all the funny and bizarre scenes that were taking place, but the movie also got serious and made me feel so much emotions. I am so glad that I got the opportunity to see this preview and Wetlands will have its premiere in Stockholm tomorrow, so you should all check it out!
Kill the rapist - trailer
Hi everyone!♥
Yes or no?
Kill the Rapist is a rape/revenge movie from India and the trailer looks really good and asks an important question. You, the viewer can decide the fate ofthe rapist. I really want to see the movie and the title is really good and one people will remember in this subgenre. You can read more about the movie and the cases it was inspired by, by clicking the picture below. You can also search for the movie on facebook and click yes or no to answer the question, Kill the Rapist?
Cheerleader Camp
Hi everyone!♥
''I really wanted to know what was going on in the movie and never found it boring''
Cheerleader Camp: Allison dreams of winning a cheerleader competition at camp Hurrah, but she begins having nightmares and hallucinations and people go missing, is someone killing her friends or is it all in her head?
Cheerleader camp was a bit slow at times, but it had some good nightmare scenes and some creativity with pom-poms. The acting might not have been the best, but Betsy Russell did a good job as the maincharacter Allison. I really wanted to know what was going on in the movie and never found it boring. It doesn't stand out like Friday the 13th or Halloween did, but it has a charm of its own. There are some good bloody scenes and Cheerleader camp is worth a watch, especially if you like slasherfilms.
Hi everyone! ♥
''I would have liked to know even more about what was happening to Samantha''
Contracted: A young woman goes to a party and meets a man there who she then has sex with, she wakes up next day feeling ill and thinking that she has contracted and STD, but the case might even be more serious than that.
Girl meets boy, girl has unprotected sex with boy, girl gets and STD from the boy...or does she? Contracted started out intresting and I think they build up all the events in this film in the right way to always keep me curious about what was happening with the main character. I would have liked to know even more about what was happening to Samantha, but the build up scene by scene was done well. I liked the ending and this one gets a 3+ from me. All the details that were changing were well thought out, but it coud have been even gorier.
Frankenhooker + I have been lazy
Hi everyone!♥
I have been lazy, with no energy to write, but here I am again, writing and wanting to write. I did do a live tweeting while th Oscars were on, so I hope you saw that and don't forget to follow me on instagram fordaily pics! (placebohoe is my name on instagram)

I got this Arrow edition of Frankenhooker yesterday and it contains a lot of extra features, I will go more intothose features when I will to my next vlog.