Two thousand maniacs!
Hi everybody!♥
''The cinematography was charming and fitted the film perfectly''
Two thousand Maniacs!: A few young people have to take a detour and wind up in the town Pleasentvalley and decide to spend the night there, but they soon realise that the town is very strange and that it is best to just leave before everything turns into a living hell.

I really loved 2001 Maniacs and I had always wanted to see the original from 1964 and finally after many years I did and I was not dissapointed. The cinematography was charming and fitted the film perfectly and inhanced the terror. There could have been more gorescenes, but I liked that they were creative with the ones they had. It is too bad that this one was a bit short and did not include the feast that the remake included, because I had really loved to see the feast.Lewis has been critized for his stories and that they are not well thought out, but this story is really intriguing and I have nothing negativa to say about it, other than that I wished it had been longer, so I guess that is positive.